

Introduction: This research aimed to investigate which waves, Theta or Beta, are significant predictors of visual simple and complex reaction times during the Vienna test, using regression modeling. The research material comprised the test results of male judo athletes (n = 24), selected through mixed sampling (purposive and random). The study was conducted in two cycles, differentiated by frequency but with the same duration of EEG biofeedback sessions, in both the control and experimental groups. The first cycle of the study consisted of 15 sessions held every other day. Each training session lasted for 4 minutes. The second series of studies, which took place after a six-week break, was characterized by a higher frequency of meetings (daily), with the duration of one training session remaining the same as in the previous cycle, i.e., 4 minutes. The impact of neurofeedback training on the visual reaction speed of judo athletes was verified using selected samples from the Vienna Test System (VTS). The study revealed that athletes from the experimental group, as a result of implementing the beta1/theta protocol, statistically significantly improved their simple and complex reaction times after each training cycle. Similar changes were not observed in the control group. The results suggest that neurofeedback training may significantly improve reaction skills in a sports context. However, for a fuller understanding and confirmation of these effects, further well-controlled studies are necessary.

Author ORCID Identifier

Magdalena PROŃCZUK; ORCID 0009-0005-1478-3151

Tomasz CHAMERA; ORCID 0000-0002-5381-7634

Alicja MARKIEL; ORCID 0009-0005-9233-583X

Jerzy MARKOWSKI; ORCID 0000-0001-8963-4250

Jan PILCH; ORCID 0000-0002-2682-4708

Piotr ŻMIJEWSKI; ORCID 0000-0002-5570-9573

Adam MASZCZYK; ORCID 0000-0001-9139-9747

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